I have Straight Road to thank for presenting me with the academic scholarship necessary to further accelerate my career in a positive direction. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Straight Road and their wonderful team of exemplary individuals synergizing as one blossoming organization to make education possible for students from all walks-of-life.

I attened a financial literary workshop conducted by Straight Road International. The speaker's financial acumen is uncanny! Our speaker's passion for what he did surely set him apart from most speakers and workshops. Learning about different business plans and structures rekindled a deep fire in starting my own business I had forgotten about. Anyone wanting to gain financial awareness and become more business savvy should definitely engage with Straight Road International! Hope to take another workshop soon!

The Peter Westbrook Foundation (PWF) began a partnership with Straight Road International last year and we have seen a remarkable difference in the financial readiness of our students and their parents. We have received amazing feedback on all of the workshops that Straight Road International teaches at the PWF, especially those on financial literacy and how to pay for college. The PWF is excited to have built a strong partnership with Straight Road International and we highly recommend their services.

Mount Olive Baptist Church's Sunday School was blessed by the generosity and commitment of Straight Road. Straight Road introduced the Sunday School to the art of fencing. We were fortunate to have a fencing Olympian demonstrate his winning moves to the delight of everyone in attendance. We agree with the mission of Straight Road; planting seeds in our youth can be potentially life changing. Straight Road also sponsored a series on financial literacy that was well received by both students and teachers. Thank you Straight Road, "as each has received a gift use it to serve one another ad good stewards of God's varied grace." 1 Peter 4:10.

Very knowledgeable! Great advice in particular in the area of financial literacy! Organization genuinely cares about individuals and wants to see others succeed! Very thankful for all the ideas and advice given. Keep up the good work!

Straight Road International visited our church. What I liked about their presentation was that although St. Clement's has an aging congregation, everyone young and was able to receive something. Their focus on goal setting was on point. Looking forward to have them come again.