Special Feature – Fitness and Technology

Game Changer Wearable Tech for Basketball Now Available 
ShotTracker, a device that analyzes and measures shooting skills


Overland Park, KS—November 19, 2014 — ShotTracker, a wearable technology for basketball that automatically tracks shot attempts, makes and misses, announced its availability for purchase today. ShotTracker is comprised of three pieces, a net sensor, a wrist sensor, which slides into a wristband or compression sleeve, and an app that work together creating a personal shooting profile for each user. These sensors help players and coaches track and analyze a player’s game in real time, as well as give them the tools to improve and compete at the highest level.

“ShotTracker is a solution that we’ve worked very hard to make a useful device for coaches and individual athletes to use. From my experience in basketball, you can’t improve what you don’t measure, and that’s really the purpose of ShotTracker,” said Davyeon Ross, Co-Founder and COO of ShotTracker. “This device is going to change the way athletes train by letting them see what they need to work on in real time.”

ShotTracker’s user-specific software and technology allows players and coaches to track stats, goals and workouts easily with the app. It provides users with competitive shooting challenges, shot locations and statistical charts that graph their improvement. The app works with both iOS and Android enabled mobile devices and tablets.

For more visit: http://shottracker.com/

Donyell Doram, MD
Internal Medicine
Lehigh Valley Hospital
Allentown PA
Osteoporosis is defined as low bone mass, which can lead to decreased bone strength and increase risk of fracture. There are multiple factors involved leading to low bone mass including, genetics, medications, and different disease states. Your bones reach its maximum potential in your late 20’s or early 30’s after which, your bone density begins to decrease slowly.  What is the significance of osteoporosis? The severity of complications after a fracture, especially at the hip, include blood clots which can travel to the lungs, increased risk of pneumonia while being hospitalized, and furthermore it can become a debilitating disease which can hinder ability to do daily activities. However it is a preventable disease with available treatments that can help slow down its progression.

Osteoporosis is known as a silent disease because there are no symptoms until a fracture occurs. So you should know who is at increased risk and when to be screened. Please note osteoporosis does occur in both men and women of all races. Most at risk are: Women more than men, white and asian females, post menopausal individuals, low testosterone men, smokers, heavy alcohol users, low calcium and vitamin D consumers, low body weight individuals, individuals with anorexia, and those that have a family history of the disease.

When to be screened: All women age 65 and older, men and women age 50 and older with a history of fracture from standing height, postmenopausal women age < 65 with one of the following risk factors: low body weight, current smoker, alcohol abuse, first degree relative with hip fracture, or personal history of fracture.

How to prevent Osteoporosis: Increase bone health with a diet adequate in calcium and vitamin D.  Decrease alcohol consumption and quit smoking, Increase weight bearing exercises such as walking, jogging, dancing, climbing stairs. Please speak with your doctor before starting an exercise program if you have diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, or heart disease.

Preventing falls is also a key component in preventing fractures. Poor vision can contribute to fall risk, you should have an annual eye exam. Good shoes, and support in the house to prevent slips and falls. Rails and good lighting in the house is also advised.

If you are selected to be screened for osteoporosis, you will be sent to have a DEXA (Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry) scan done. It is a short procedure lasting 10- 20 mins and is painless. It uses X-ray to determine risk of fracture at the hip and spine. These areas are at increased risk. This also helps determine who will benefit from medication that reduces the rate of bone loss.

There are many FDA approved treatments for osteoporosis including bisphosphonates, selective estrogen receptor modulators, and calcitonin. Your doctor will go over what agent would be of better benefit for you.

Finance Tip of the Quarter

Get Your Free Annual Credit Report


Remember to get your free annual credit report at AnnualCreditReport.com. This will help you to get a good foundation on where you are in terms of your credit and additionally help you to know all the items that are on your credit report. If you notice something showing up that you have no idea about, be sure to do some investigation, and have it cleared up if necessary. It’s good to know where you’re coming from before you head into 2015. If 2014 was not a good year for you from a credit perspective, make a plan to improve in 2015.

Roger Ali Bocus
Manager, Publishingbooks.biz
Author, Entrepreneur, Certified Life-Coach and NLP Practitioner
The Source of Wealth
Is wealth a gift from God for only the ‘privileged’, or an opportunity available for all?

Does someone have to be gifted to be wealthy?

Are the wealthy individuals endowed with special abilities to acquire wealth, which others are lacking?

Are you lacking wealth because you don’t have these abilities?

Believe it or not, my friends, you are already wealthy, because wealth is a gift of the human spirit…all human spirits.

All that so-called wealth you see with your natural eyes, originated from ideas that were acted upon – Ideas, which were spawned in the spirit of an individual. They are individuals who used those ideas from their spirit, to produce, provide and sell a product or service, which people need or desire. As a result they were able to build businesses and become wealthy.

About 17 years ago, while working in the filing room of a leading energy firm, one of my co-workers, Mike, came hastily into the filing room and anxiously announced, “I have an idea, Ali B., I have an idea”. [Mike was twenty-two (22) years old at the time, when he said he was going to be a millionaire before he reached thirty (30)]

“What idea do you have?” I responded.

“I have an idea for a special kind of sauce. Last night, I was trying to create the perfect-tasting sauce in my kitchen, and I stumbled upon this ideal-tasting sauce”.

“What are you going to use this sauce for?” I asked.

“I am going to use this sauce for grilled foods. I am going to open a grilled food business”, He answered.

“Great! Run with it, Mike. Don’t let anybody stop you or discourage you”, I encouraged.

My friend, just from running with the idea of a sauce, Mike now owns three (3) very successful grilled food businesses. And he became a millionaire before the age of thirty (30) just like he declared he would.

What made Mike successful? An idea!

He acted upon an idea he had, and produced, marketed and sold a product, which people desired…and made millions from this exercise.

He acted upon an idea, which was born in his spirit.

P.S. Wealth resides in the human spirit


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